SpaceRTS - Starter Pack  1.3

The list of changes since the beginning of the times.

Version 1.3 (03/May/2018)
Feature: First Version of Combat System integrated.
Feature: Area that reduce and recover HP (Red & Green nebulas)
Feature: Simple but functional AI to use as a template.
Added Pirates as a threat to test the combat feature.

Version 1.2.4 (04/February/2018)
Feature: Added DLLReplacer that allows the correct change of the dll for it's source files.
Feature: Added new editors for GameScene & some GameSceneSystems (Now it's easier to build a new scene).
Feature: Added A very simple AI that will construct some freighters and extract some resources.
Fixed: Optimized & fixed the main starbase model due to some warnings about some polygons self-intersecting.
Fixed: Now the player has control only over the units that belongs him.
Fixed: Now the builder doesn't freeze anymore when the build target it's placed too close to it.
Fixed: Deleting ResourceDeposits now properly releases all the extracting carriers.
Fixed: Game entities with ResourceWarehouse and ResourceCarrier components doesn't try to extract it self any more.
Fixed: Compatibility with Unity versions 2017.3 & 2018.1(beta).

Version 1.2.3 (22/November/2017)
Added SpatialSystem (Handles the proper configuration of the navigation)
Added BuildHandler position validation
Added button in GameEntity Editor to add GameEntityComponents in a more easily way.
Added an UI panel to show quick notifications (for example when its unable to build because it's short of resources)
Fix in RTSCamera: now you can zoom in and pan with the keys at the same time.

Version 1.2.2 (31/Obtober/2017)
Added a mining freighter along with the mining station construction.
Fixed main space rts scene with some resource deposits not been able to extract resources from it.
Fix to allow construction when player hasn't a StorageContainer.
Exposed remaining distance to Navigation.
Fixed GetAllPropertiesValues method in ComponentProxy (Now base class type can be returned).
Fixed Navigation to allow no final rotation direction when a destination is set (just stays in the direction it comes).
Now Navigation uses ProxyRef to define the body to roll transform reference (instead of a "hardcoded" version).
Fixed transformToFollow stuttering problem.
Now transformToFollow feature only translates when there is no dragging with middle mouse button or cursor at screen borders.

Version 1.2.1 (30/September/2017)
Added exit panel (Escape key).
Fixed cost charged twice if the build progress is interrupted and continued again.
Fixed BLOCKER when builder correctly finish the build process.
Fixed StorageContainer editor not saving changes.
Tweaked load rate for freighters.
Tweaked freighters capacity.

Version 1.2.0 (26/September/2017)
added Resources System feature.
added Ships Parking System feature.
Added Mineral Deposits.
Added Mineral extractors.
Added Build resource requirements.
Improved NavMesh configuration.
Improved Build System for mobile and static builders.
Several bugs fixed.

Version 1.1.0 (28/June/2017)
Added NavMesh implementation.
Added BuildQueue UI panel.
Added UI icons for the units to build panel.
Fixed Builder & Buildable components.
Fixed camera rotation stutter.
Fixed VisualModule assignment flow.